About us
Also, by choosing Jam Beauty Studio, you can
Sterile cabinets and instruments
You don't have to worry about germs during the depilation procedure. Bactericidal recirculators are installed in each of our cabinets, which let air through ultraviolet rays and disinfect it. And the instruments are sterilized according to all rules to completely eliminate the risk of developing a microbial environment and adverse effects on the skin.
Depilatsiooni mõju kuni 4 nädalat
Meie meistrid töötavad kohusetundlikult ning teevad suhkru- ja vahadepilatsiooni nii, et depilatsiooni mõju kestab kuni 4 nädalat.
Professional massage is about maintaining health.
Health is the most important thing in life.
Cozy atmosphere in the studios
Our studio has a cozy atmosphere of joy and care. Our lovely administrators will offer you tea, coffee, juice and sweets. We have TVs with pleasant music and clips installed in the reception room and in each office, thus creating the most comfortable conditions for you during the depilation procedure. We are sure that you will love us and you will come to us again.
All cosmetics is organic.
Made with love
Services are offered to you with love and care.
Professional care
All services are done with professional cosmetics
Non-Toxic Formula
All cosmetics are hypoallergenic, non-toxic
Personalized experience
Every client is our favorite client. Come and see that our service is exceptional
We love, what we do
The people who work in our studio love what they do. Come and feel our caring atmosphere

Our story
Kallid sõbrad, kindlasti tahaksin teid kõiki isiklikult kohata, nii et tulge lihtsalt tere ütlema. Kui see pole praegu võimalik, siis teeksin end tutvustamiseks nalja. Olen Jam Beauty Studio omanik Olga. Olen kindel, et depilatsioon, massaaz, professionaalne meikimine või kulmude modeleerimine on üsna lihtne viis oma päeva või nädalat paremaks muuta. Garanteerin, et hindate meie koha atmosfääri. Ootan sinuga kohtumist!
– Olga Agafonova
Meie meeskond

My name is Juliana and I am the manager of Jam Beauty Studio. My task is to bring to life all the ideas of the studio, convey our values to the client and help the craftsmen to bring them to life. Our team is like a family, we are glad to see your smiles and great mood.

Elena - meie naiste ja meeste depilatsiooni meister, omab suhkrustamise ja vahatamise tehnikaid, töötab kõrgekvaliteetsete vahadega: Cleopatra ja Skin’s.
Praktiseeriv Brow- meister. 2020. aasta novembris läbis täiendõppe kursuse shugaringu alal ja valdas uusi tehnikaid.
Elena has been working in our team since the establishment of the studio. And we are proud of that! He speaks Russian, Estonian and a little English. Clients praise him for his attention, clarity and accuracy in his work. If you are going for depilation for the first time or you are pregnant - you can go to Elena with confidence! You will find yourself in sensitive and caring hands.
Elenat eristab pedantsus, õrn meelelaad, imeline huumorimeel ja taktitunne!
Tööväliselt tegeleb ta aktiivse eluviisiga: sõidab perega jalgratastega, käib teatris, tunneb huvi psühholoogia vastu ja küpsetab maitsvaid toite. Ta on oma 3-aastase poja suurepärane kaaslane, naine ja armastav ema.
Our services
Sterile cabinets and instruments
You don't have to worry about germs during the depilation procedure. Bactericidal recirculators are installed in each of our cabinets, which let air through ultraviolet rays and disinfect it. And the instruments are sterilized according to all rules to completely eliminate the risk of developing a microbial environment and adverse effects on the skin.
Jam Beauty Studio takes care of your health!